>Where is this property located?
The catalog will usually have the exact location of the parcel. If a street address has been assigned we will include that information as well.
>What is the minimum bid?
The minimum bid is different in each county. CLICK HERE and then on your auction date to see what the minimum is for your county.
Is that what taxes are due? No, the past dues taxes have been eliminated.
>How do I get a bid form?(SEALED BID)
You can 1) pull a bid form/purchase contract from the catalog;
2) pick up the form at the Treasurer's Office, or
3) download it here (CLICK HERE and then on the county name).
>Where do I send a sealed bid?
You can find the mailing address for bids:
1)on the front page of the catalog for your county and
2)by clicking on the date of the auction for your county
(CLICK HERE and then on your auction date).
>Can I buy property before the auction?(VERBAL AUCTION)
All property sold must go through the verbal auction process. However, you may submit an absentee bid in advance of the auction. This will be entered as a one-time bid the night of the verbal auction. Absentee Bids forms are available online - CLICK HERE and then on your auction date.
> Are there any liens on the property after it is purchased?
We make no promises as to whether there are liens against the property. You are responsible to obtain and pay for any title examination and/or survey. If the search reveals defects that make the title unmarketable, and you provide written evidence of that within 30 days from the date of purchase, you can rescind the sale and receive a refund of all money paid without interest. All such claims are waived unless presented to us in the time and manner above provided.
>Do I have to pay the back taxes?
No. There will be no back taxes on the property. You will incur taxes for next calendar year that will be due and payable the following year.
>Why are you selling this property?
The property is being sold to place the property back on the tax rolls and into the hands of someone who will maintain the property and keep the taxes paid.
>What is the difference between a sealed bid and a verbal (live) auction?
In a live auction you will have an opportunity to bid as often and as much as necessary to acquire the property. In a sealed bid you only have one opportunity to be the high bidder, and you have no idea what anyone else may bid.
>When will I know the results of a sealed bid auction?
We will notify all bidders of the status of their bid by mail approximately 7-10 days after the sealed bid deadline.
>Why aren't mobile homes sold in all counties?
Some counties do not use the Trustee program to collect mobile home taxes.
>When will I receive the deed?
Unless you notify us of the title defect within 30 days, you will receive a deed directly from the Recorder's office approximately 90 days after your final payment.
>Do I have to have a title search done on the property?
Yes, you are responsible for having a title search performed.
Do I have the title search done before or after I win the bid?
The title search is of no value to you unless you are the high bidder. We suggest that if you are the successful bidder, you then contact a title company for a title commitment on the property.
> What if the property is occupied?
It is your responsibility to legally deal with any occupants and other conditions for occupancy. You should seek legal advice prior to taking any steps in this regard.
>When will I be responsible for the taxes? When do I need to start paying the taxes?
The property is sold subject to the next calendar year's taxes. These taxes will be due and payable the following year.